Training Tips

Have you tried the straddle palloff press before? This is an anti rotation exercise and doing many variations of it...I LOVE...practically endless. It can be done at home too if you have a resistance band. You can work the muscles that make your abs look pretty (which we still can work), but the ones that build you armor for life are exercises like these that help you build a rock solid stable core. .
This is a snippet of a database of exercises that Im building for current clients and new clients. For those who have weights, resistance bands or just bodyweight. We can find a way to make you strong no matter what your gym situation is like currently. Good for the gym, home gym and getting creative at your home which we go over during our calls video calls. I have a 130 exercises in the database so far. Currently  these are only a 1/4 of them! All clients get free access to it once complete!

Have you tried the straddle palloff press before? This is an anti rotation exercise and doing many variations of it…I LOVE…practically endless. It can be done at home too if you have a resistance band. You can work the muscles that make your abs look pretty (which we still can work), but the ones that build you armor for life are exercises like these that help you build a rock solid stable core. .
This is a snippet of a database of exercises that Im building for current clients and new clients. For those who have weights, resistance bands or just bodyweight. We can find a way to make you strong no matter what your gym situation is like currently. Good for the gym, home gym and getting creative at your home which we go over during our calls video calls. I have a 130 exercises in the database so far. Currently these are only a 1/4 of them! All clients get free access to it once complete!
#strength #core #corestability #homegym #trainingtips

Here’s the video: