Nailing The Hip Hinge Pattern

The hip hinge is one of the most important foundational movements of a lot of programs. Building a strong foundation will set you up with the ability to lift more weight and even do more advance exercises down the road, like cleans and snatches. The beginning of your lifting career should purely be focused drilling your foundational lifts (squats, bench/strict press, deadlifts, barbell row, etc.) over and over again while getting really strong. When you’re strong with a good foundational knowledge, including body awareness, it makes it WAY easier to build from there. When I have clients that have trouble grasping the concept of hip hinge through verbal and physical cues then I typically move to this drill using a band and a stick which works 100% of the time. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. We begin by placing a band around a sturdy object. Loop the band around your hips and step away from the band to establish some tension. The band helps cue the hips back. The stick helps give feed back. There should be 3 points of contact throughout the entire movement. Head, upper back and tail bone. We want to focus on keeping a neutral spine, rib cage down, chin tucked. Your heels should be about hip with apart. Bend your knees slightly and then shove your ass directly back while keeping 3 points of contact with the stick. Push heels down to stand back to start position and repeat.

The hip hinge is one of the most important foundational movements of a lot of programs. Building a strong foundation will set you up with the ability to lift more weight and even do more advance exercises down the road, like cleans and snatches. The beginning of your lifting career should purely be focused drilling your foundational lifts (squats, bench/strict press, deadlifts, barbell row, etc.) over and over again while getting really strong. When you’re strong with a good foundational knowledge, including body awareness, it makes it WAY easier to build from there.

When I have clients that have trouble grasping the concept of hip hinge through verbal and physical cues then I typically move to this drill using a band and a stick which works 100% of the time. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

We begin by placing a band around a sturdy object. Loop the band around your hips and step away from the band to establish some tension. The band helps cue the hips back.
The stick helps give feed back. There should be 3 points of contact throughout the entire movement. Head, upper back and tail bone.

We want to focus on keeping a neutral spine, rib cage down, chin tucked. Your heels should be about hip with apart. Bend your knees slightly and then shove your ass directly back while keeping 3 points of contact with the stick. Push heels down to stand back to start position and repeat.

#strengthcoach #strengthtraining #oaklandstrength #hiphinge

Here’s the video: