3 Serratus Anterior Exercises for Overhead Mobility

Serratus anterior is important for very many reasons and often overlooked. Especially important for overhead strength athletes who frequent exercises like snatches, jerks, overhead squat, strict presses, and etc. For the general population just simply reaching overhead to put away luggage or grabbing something from the cabinet above you becomes important for daily living. Serratus is commonly trained as protraction exercises by practitioners, but they are also responsible for upward rotation of the scapula. If you do a ton of shoulder care work in the wrong positions (which happens often, even from trainers), you aren't just putting the ball/socket and shoulder blade/rib cage in bad positions; but you're also negatively impacting areas around it. These are my favorite 3 exercises I like to use. To do these exercises it’s important to always protract (push shoulder blades move away from eachother) first, slide and reach. For the sliding portion I to cue clients to push through their elbow and entire forearm with object. I like adding a band to keep tension. 1.) Foam Roller Serratus FloorSlide: Protract. Push away from the foam roller while reaching. Be sure to keep your rib cage down. 2.) Serratus Press: You can use a stick. A stick with weight and if you have a sufficient amount of strength you can try the barbell. Although I suggest sticking with high reps and staying light. Protract. Palms facing forward and push against the rack with your head through. 3.) TRX Reach and Rotate: Set the TRX according to ability level. I suggest starting at a slight angle. The lower you go the more it becomes a core exercise. Place loops in front of your elbow. Protract and reach. Rotate your palms toward you as you reach while keeping your ribcage down. Want to see more educational content like this? Let me know. :)

Serratus anterior is important for very many reasons and often overlooked. Especially important for overhead strength athletes who frequent exercises like snatches, jerks, overhead squat, strict presses, and etc. For the general population just simply reaching overhead to put away luggage or grabbing something from the cabinet above you becomes important for daily living. Serratus is commonly trained as protraction exercises by practitioners, but they are also responsible for upward rotation of the scapula.

If you do a ton of shoulder care work in the wrong positions (which happens often, even from trainers), you aren’t just putting the ball/socket and shoulder blade/rib cage in bad positions; but you’re also negatively impacting areas around it.

These are my favorite 3 exercises I like to use. To do these exercises it’s important to always protract (push shoulder blades move away from eachother) first, slide and reach. For the sliding portion I to cue clients to push through their elbow and entire forearm with object. I like adding a band to keep tension.

1.) Foam Roller Serratus FloorSlide: Protract. Push away from the foam roller while reaching. Be sure to keep your rib cage down.

2.) Serratus Press: You can use a stick. A stick with weight and if you have a sufficient amount of strength you can try the barbell. Although I suggest sticking with high reps and staying light. Protract. Palms facing forward and push against the rack with your head through.

3.) TRX Reach and Rotate:
Set the TRX according to ability level. I suggest starting at a slight angle. The lower you go the more it becomes a core exercise. Place loops in front of your elbow. Protract and reach. Rotate your palms toward you as you reach while keeping your ribcage down. #strengthcoach #strengthtraining #oaklandstrength #shoulderhealth #shouldercare

Want to see more educational content like this? Let me know. 🙂

Here’s the video: