Using Microplates to Increase Strict Press

Want to keep progressing in your strict press strength? You got to overload the strength curve! Try using microplates/fractional plates to do so. If youre following a program that uses linear progression then you will likely need to use them as it calls for adding weight each week. Using 2.5 can be a HOOGE increase which will stall you quicker as it can be anywhere from a 5% all the way up to a 10% jump! Small incremental increases in weight via fractional/micro plates makes progress easier and smarter.

Want to keep progressing in your strict press strength? You got to overload the strength curve! Try using microplates/fractional plates to do so. If youre following a program that uses linear progression then you will likely need to use them as it calls for adding weight each week. Using 2.5 #s can be a HOOGE increase which will stall you quicker as it can be anywhere from a 5% all the way up to a 10% jump! Small incremental increases in weight via fractional/micro plates makes progress easier and smarter.
#strictpress #strengthcoach #oaklandstrength

Here’s the video: